In this episode Brandon and Dalien answer a listener's question and play a clip from a TedX talk on how to connect with other people with attentiveness, appreciation and a sense of wonder.
Continuing this week's emergent theme of abundance and wealth, Brandon and Dalien discuss the concept that abundance is more a vibrational frequency that we can tune into with our thoughts and feelings, rather than the outcome of actions and external conditions.
From childhood, Jason had experiences he could not explain, then in his early 20s he had his first out-of-body experience and his whole paradigm shifted. Hear him talk with Brandon about his astral travels and alternate timelines, the global consciousness shift and how the most important thing we can do is to heal ourselves.
Brandon and Dalien discuss a listener's synchronistic podcast review and follow-up message, and talk about the idea that things always work out perfectly in spite of our thoughts to the contrary.
Brandon and Dalien address a listener's question about the ever-thorny subject of money, and they pipe in an Abraham-Hicks talk that explains how we can manifest our desires if we can be grateful for what we want before it shows up.
Brandon and Dalien tells stories about the numerology-related eleven-eleven number, including a listener's magical encounter with a child, and they answer a listener's question on having "the best of both worlds" and staying connected to the higher self while indulging in things like processed foods or alcohol.
Dalien relates a story of synchronicity and a news report on Germany's green energy output, and Brandon speaks with Sue Krebs about our freedom being so vast that we can even choose bondage.
Karlos's life mission is spreading the message of The Template, a system that uses sacred geometry to help liberate humanity and unlock our full potential. In this episode Karlos talks about the mysterious Anunnaki race, the human genetic code, and he relates an amazing story of synchronicity.
Brandon and Dalien talk about a story of synchronicity, report on a cancer-fighting plant and discuss a quote that the Universe buried jewels within us to see if we would find them.
Brandon discusses the idea that in selfless service to others we realize a big part of ourselves, aided by a Wayne Dyer clip, and Dalien follows up on the mysterious alien megastructure that continues to puzzle astronomers.
Brandon relates a listener's personal account with micro-dosing and discusses the concept of resonating with the vibrational frequency of either problem or solutions in our lives, aided by a story told by an participant at an Abraham-Hicks event.
Brandon and Dalien talk about a quote and an Eckhart Tolle clip concerning presence and "holding space" for love or grief in our lives, and they report on a story about the acoustic properties of ancient power sites.
Mark is co-founder of the unique online community Ideapod, a specialized social network for idea-sharing. He talks about his support and mentorship from Sir Richard Branson, his interest in key specific areas like politics and economics, and his thoughts on the ultimate nature of reality and the evolution of consciousness.
Brandon discusses a listener's question about feeling trapped and Dalien talks about a story on the mineral shungite and its healing properties.
Brandon speaks with Sue Krebs about not taking things personally, based on one of don Miguel Ruiz's Four Agreements, and Dalien discusses an article on the neurotransmitter ananamide and its effect in our biology.
Brandon discusses the basics of shadow work aided by a clip by Teal Swan where she offers her insights on the subject, and Dalien reports on a recent news story about a child who recalled astonishing details of a past life in the early film industry.
Brandon and Dalien address a listener's question and play a Tony Robbins clip about motivation and the power to act, and discuss how we can shed our past and use tools like writing to achieve our life goals.
Deborah Rozman is an executive, entrepreneur, psychologist and author who has been with the innovative organization HeartMath since its inception. In this interview she speaks with Brandon about the science of the heart/brain connection, emotional IQ and how consciously changing ourselves in the context of "heart intelligence" can help us tap into our full personal power.
Brandon shares a quote from Lao Tzu about wisdom and true personal power, and he discusses with Dalien a clip from Tony Robbins on the four distinct kinds of love that may exist.
Brandon shares the clip of an individual's empowering personalstory about a taking massive leap of faith, and Dalien reports onan ancient mystical text said to help the reader master theirmental faculties.
Brandon expounds on a question by a listener and a talk by Alan Watts about integrating mystical experiences with everyday consciousness for our well-being. Dalien also reports on a new technology that potentially reverses aging at the genetic level.
Brandon brings us a timely reminder that we are always born anew in the present, never truly defined by our past, and Dalien reports on a sighting of a mysterious "burning" falling object filmed in Arizona.
Dr. Bruce Lipton is a renowned biologist with a revolutionary view on genetics and consciousness. In this interview he speaks about our cell "self-receptors" and identity, offers vast insight into the conscious mind and subconscious programming, and shares his perspective about how we can indeed create Heaven on Earth.
In this episode Brandon plays an Eckhart Tolle clip that discusses freedom from the mind's identification with external things, and Dalien reports on research about marijuana's potential to help autism spectrum children.
Brandon and Dalien discuss the idea of taking a leap of faith versus "playing it safe" in life, and they comment on an Abraham-Hicks clip that talks about "going general" as a way to come into alignment.