Brandon delves into the subject of emotional wounds, our self-image and how we can rob ourselves of our own creative power by keeping the past alive, and he does so referencing quotes, playing an excerpt from a talk by Caroline Myss and sharing his own ideas, to help remind us of our essential truth.
Brandon shares a clip by Teal Swan that asks the question "what is love?" and answers it from Teal's unique perspective, which Brandon subsequently comments on and expands on the essential message, that love is the underlying reality and all other fearful manifestations are ultimately temporary illusions.
On this daily episode Brandon reads a heartfelt show review, shares some inspiring quotes, poems and a touching story sent in by a listener, and ties it all together with themes of dealing with loss, timelessness and how love can help us transcend limitations.
Brandon shares a review and personal story from a listener, a few Notes from the Universe by Mike Dooley and a recent personal story which all remind us that our divine nature can help us deal with any challenge and find peace in any circumstance.
Samantha Fey is a practicing intuitive who co-hosts the popular podcast, Psychic Teachers. In this episode, Samantha shares a bit about her personal story, discusses how we can all tap into our intuitive and psychic abilities, gives Brandon a crystal reading where she makes a real-time verifiable detailed prediction, and also shares several of her own fascinating stories of synchronicity.
In this episode Brandon talks about life purpose and shares his thoughts on the subject, as well as relevant quotes and an Eckhart Tolle clip, all which point to the essence of this perspective, that we are all here to make peace with the present moment.
Brandon discusses aspects of this unique human interpersonal dynamic and offers some perspectives that hopefully will help us break from projecting and "expecting others into" showing up perpetually in the same ways, especially family and loved ones. He also shares a related Abraham-Hicks clip.
Brandon responds to a comment from a member of the Facebook group regarding his past use of the word "girl" to refer to a young woman; he offers his take that what matters most is the intention behind our words and that we should always examine said intentions, as well as being sensitive to the way our choice of words affects others.
Brandon gets into talking about energy and tiredness, and how to achieve high levels of energy or how to cope with fatigue and low energy levels, by sharing an Abraham-Hicks clip and discussing a few empowering viewpoints that stem from their perspectives, including using techniques like visualization to help lessen resistance.
Adam Roa is a spoken word poet, coach and host of the Deep Dive Podcast. In this expansive discussion they talk about Adam's journey integrating his experiences with plant medicines and helping others do the same, as well as what he has dubbed the "slinky effect", his theories on intuition, the subconscious and creativity, and his shared viewpoints and experiences in common with Brandon as an artist and podcaster.
Brandon returns from a weekend at Lucidity Festival and shares the magic of synchronicities with butterfly stories and festival attendants, stories which are almost straightforward and direct analogies for symbolic and literal transformation and rebirth.
Brandon once again addresses this charged topic, inspired by a listener comment as well as timely global and personal events, and he shares an Abraham-Hicks clip with a dramatic and relevant example to put the question in perspective: how do we deal with the ugliest parts of ourselves and others?
Brandon talks about authentic power, sharing a clip by author Gary Zukav speaking with Oprah, and discusses some related perspectives that often run counter to what many expect of power, such as being the servant rather than the master and "lying below everything," not unlike the sea that all rivers empty into, and how power reveals our true character.
Brandon answers a question posed by a member of the Facebook group about when to communicate to others if they have hurt us, given that we ultimately "own" our feelings. He also talks about maintaining a healthy skepticism and shares a Deepak Chopra clip about using a sort of "questioning" meditation to see through the illusory nature of things.
Michael Mirdad is a world-renowned spiritual teacher and best-selling author who has worked as an intuitive healer and counselor for over 35 years. In this episode Michael discusses various topics such as the difference between teachers and authors, the dark night of the soul and what it means to authentically forgive someone.
Brandon gets into discussing this perspective thanks to a Deepak Chopra quote, citing the universal creative mind and its endless resources to play out infinite possibilities. He also shares a clip with well-known speaker Jason Silva talking about an upcoming much-speculated "singularity" that is tied to artificial intelligence as a natural progression of consciousness.
Brandon talks about "petty tyrants" citing a relevant personal example and reading a couple of listener questions about this, then discussing personal boundaries and how to deal with those who push our buttons.
Brandon talks about expectations and disappointment, discussing quotes, giving personal examples and playing audio clips that delve into this dimension of the human experience, including the aspect of karma as an extension of interpersonal relationships bound up in mutual projections and attendant frustrations.
Brandon answers a listener's question who needs help integrating past traumas and daily negativity into an overall positive perspective they hold for life, and Brandon obliges by helping reframe the "negative" experiences in our past as merely difficult challenges that have led us in a positive direction nonetheless.
Christian de la Huerta has been dedicated to breath work for over twenty years, and in this episode he talks with Brandon about pranayama and other breathing practices, their outcomes and benefits such as helping to clear past trauma and awaken dormant abilities, as well as some of his own more unique perspectives such as the fact that breath has its own kind of intelligence and that we are "being breathed" in a fashion.
Brandon follows up on a question about an "apology that never comes" to discuss betrayal and provide some new perspectives on this charged topic, like the ideas that we only betray ourselves when we think we are deceiving another, and how betrayal is meant to serve us as an "unconscious catalyst" to help us rise above.
Brandon and Erica talk about a listener question on child rearing and they discuss the related subjects of empathic individuals and the difference between empathy and sympathy, including some clips by noted scholar Brené Brown that speak on this difference.
Brandon talks about his personal life story and how betrayals and deception by others have played a role therein. He also shares an Eckhart Tolle clip that touches upon this and seeks to make us aware that we use these incidents to create an identity for ourselves.
Brandon addresses a question about the new US administration and how to react to the dilemmas that it poses, and he also shares an Abraham-Hicks clip that speaks directly to this situation and offers a startling answer: you can't condemn the government, even when it is wrong, and help anything.
Deb Bowen is a spiritual teacher and psychic who co-hosts the popular podcast, Psychic Teachers. In this episode, Deb shares insight into her personal story, discusses what it means to be Pagan, crystal communication, past lives, and many other fascinating topics.