Bradley is a veteran holistic physician and author of the bestselling Emotion Code and Body Code books. In this episode, he discusses how trauma and emotions can be stored in the body and ultimately lead to disease and sickness, and he demonstrates several of the techniques outlined in his books impromptu with the aim to help Brandon clear up several personal ailments.
Connect with Dr. Bradley Nelson at
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On today's episode, Erica delves into the profound impact of relationships on our personal evolution and growth throughout our lives. She then goes on to talk about how our souls have chosen the specific relationships we encounter, each bearing crucial lessons meant to shape us.
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On today's episode, Brandon decides to jump into his time machine and share an episode from 2019. In it, Brandon talks about the contrast laid out in the title, between what could be called “inspired action” as opposed to activities many of engage in, which have a quality of reluctant obligation associated with them, and he shares an Abraham-Hicks clip about “not needing the job to get the money” with an important bit of advice: alignment is more important than action.
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In today’s episode, Brandon discusses leaning into the uncomfortable stretch and catching then replacing our retractory patterns.
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On today's episode, Erica shares a clip from Dolores Cannon where she talks about the Backdrop people, individuals who appear to be human but do not possess the same spiritual essence as other people. Erica then goes on to talk about how we can write a new script to change our perspective and then our lives.
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Clayton is the host of the Traveling to Consciousness podcast and author who explores the secret teachings of Jesus. In this episode, he shares his insights into the lesser-known Gospel of Thomas and how it highlights that our aim should be personal wisdom rather than external devotion. He also shares a powerful past life experience.
To learn more about Clayton's coaching services, check out his page here
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On today's episode, Erica reads and breaks down parts from the book "The Law of One." She then goes on to talk about the lessons we have come here to learn and how we will keep repeating these lessons until we learn from them.
Link to Erica's Forgiveness Workshop
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On today's episode, Brandon decides to jump into his time machine and share an episode from 2018. In it, Samantha Lotus ended up making her first appearance through this episode’s featured clip, which is from a video on the fear of failure she recently posted. It inspired Brandon to discuss the importance of F-acing E-verything A-nd R-ising, as opposed to F-orgetting E-verything A-nd R-unning.
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In today’s episode, Brandon shares how he shared a surprise workout with a famous figure and invites the audience to join him in making a lifelong dedication.
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On today's episode, Erica talks about the Sunfire Festival she just attended and the magical experiences that happened while she was there. She also talks about how when we behave in a loving manner, the universe will provide what we need.
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For more information on Erica's 9/9 workshop, check out this page
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Karen is a renowned psychic medium, author, spiritual counselor, and healer with a two-year waiting list. In this episode, she shares her fascinating story connecting with renowned teacher Wayne Dyer after his passing and how she was a conduit for him to communicate with his children. She also shares insights and techniques on how to open up our own lines of communication with the other side.
Connect with Karen at
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On today's episode, Erica decides to jump into her time machine and share an episode from 2019. In it, Erica talks about the great power of the forgiveness “frequency” due to its current place in our collective evolution, where we still experience separation internally and externally and thus need to forgive ourselves or others at times. Ultimately, forgiveness is transcended when the self realizes that all is one and bound together through unconditional love.
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On today's episode, Brandon decides to jump into his time machine and share an episode from 2019. In it, Brandon is inspired to talk about how everything in the universe is ultimately spiritual, not just the lofty and ethereal but also dense physical matter and everything in between. He also shares an Abraham-Hicks clip titled “Respond to Everything with Ease and Acceptance” and comments on it.
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On today's episode, Brandon decides to jump into his time machine and share an episode from 2018. In it, Brandon references a two-day break that the podcast took pertaining to show editor and original co-host Dalien being caught up in some turbulence, and addressing this indirectly and by proxy, he hopes to offer relief to any listeners that are going through similar rough patches during these year’s end festivities.
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On today's episode, Erica shares a clip from a QHHT session where the client talks about divine timing, focus, and how to keep ourselves in a high-vibrational state.
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Michael is a social impact entrepreneur who co-created Global Citizen which has helped to raise billions of dollars for programs serving the world's poorest people, as well as the creator of the Peak Mind podcast. In this episode, Michael discusses the importance of being “authentic to our note” and how it ripples out in unforeseen ways when we create from this powerful place.
Connect with Mike at
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On today's episode, Erica talks about how everything that happens to us has a bigger purpose. She also talks about reframing the statement to say that things are happening FOR us and that there is always something to learn when these situations arise.
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In today's episode, Brandon discusses the need to embrace change and how moving more fully into the seat of consciousness helps us to do so.
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In today’s episode, Brandon shares science that backs up the importance of play, as well as the correlation between openness and expanded states of consciousness.
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On today's episode, Erica is joined by Tracie Mahan and Monica Dunn as they discuss this time of great transformation and how difficult things are coming up to the surface to be released. They also talk about what is on the other side of heartbreak and how we can make it either a heart-opening or heart-closing experience.
More on the forgiveness & letting go workshop
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Rick is the founder of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) and has spent more than 30 years supporting psychedelic advancements. In this episode, he shares insights into his trailblazing journey and some of the exciting developments that are currently unfolding.
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In today's episode, Erica talks about the difference between being selfish vs selfless and how to be of service to others while also respecting the self. She then shares a clip talking about the spiritual law of choice.
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On today's episode, Brandon decides to jump into his time machine and share an episode from 2019. In it, Brandon references the idea behind this expression, about negative things following the positive and somehow “spoiling it all”, and challenges these fearful assumptions and projections rooted in past hurts and disappointments with their “irrational” opposite, unbridled confidence and optimism.
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In today’s episode, Brandon shares another magical connection that recently unfolded from beyond the veil, as well as perspectives on how souls are connected to continue to show up creatively in our lives.
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On today's episode, Erica shares a clip about the symbolism of the Navajo rainbow and rock crystals. Erica then talks about how the rainbow is here to show us who we are and how that crystal is a reflection of us.
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