Rick Doblin, Ph.D. is the founder of the non-profit research and educational organization MAPS (Multidisciplinary Association of Psychedelic Studies). In this podcast, hear about his 30-year journey researching and advocating for the legalization of certain psychedelic substances, all of the exciting momentum that is currently building in this field after decades of resistance, and how MAPS is on track to legalize MDMA for therapeutic use by 2021.
Jordan Lejuwaan is the creator of the popular website highexistence.com. In this podcast, hear what inspired Jordan to start the rapidly growing hub of consciousness expansive content that is High Existence. He also shares his thoughts on many interesting topics such as psychedelics, sustainable communities, and he even shares a fascinating personal story of past life recollection.
Patrick Kronfli is the founder of unify.org. In this episode Patrick tells the story behind the meteoric rise of the incredible movement he helped to catalyze that is uniting people in thousands of cities all over the world via group synchronized meditations. Hear how the underlying intention to help bring healing to the planet is also attracting the involvement of world renowned spiritual leaders such as Deepak Chopra.
Yaygon Lamagaia, better known as the prolific electronic music producer Kalya Scintilla and founder of Merkaba Music, joins us alongside his partner and founder of SoulVoice Sacred Art, Eve Olution, to discuss the global expansion of consciousness on the planet, transformational festival culture and other fascinating esoteric subjects such as goddess archetypes.
Jonah Haas is co-founder of the highly regarded Santa Barbara, CA based Lucidity Festival. In this episode, Jonah discusses the current state of the transformational festival scene, as well as his vision for how the burgeoning festival movement can continue to pave the way to a more evolved and conscious form of community.
Julija Simas is an Australian based Astrologer and founder of CosmicIntelligenceAgency.com. In this episode, Julija discusses how astrology works, her mission with the CIA and also what the stars have to say about the changes currently sweeping the planet. Julija even gives Brandon a personalized astrological chart reading!
Barb Schmidt is creator of the non-profit Peaceful Mind, Peaceful Life which acts as an inspiring online resource and rapidly growing community. Barb is also the author of the recently published book, The Practice: Simple Tools for Managing Stress, Finding Inner Peace, and Uncovering Happiness.
In this episode, Brandon and Dalien talk with Pablo Miller, a shamanic facilitator who has worked with sacred plant medicines for over 20 years, as he clears up the confusion between hallucinogenic drugs and natural "entheogens". They also discuss the rapid personal growth that plant medicines can promote, as well as details of some of Pablo's own profound spiritual experiences using the plant medicine Ayahuasca.
Dan O’Donnell is the creator of the online community Positive Atmosphere, as well as the unique, new board game that centers around growth and friendship, Better Me. In this podcast Brandon, Dalien and Dan actually play Better Me on the air.
Kristen and Chris Butler share their inspiring story of overcoming obesity and bankruptcy with the “power of positivity” and how it inspired them to create the website with the same name that now inspires and attracts over a million views every month.
Sue Krebs is an Akashic Records reader and founder of the Facebook page “Soul Speaking” which has garnered a 2 ½ million person following. Sue discusses how she is able to access this vibrational, timeless record for any soul and provide them valuable insight into past and future events.
Brandon shares four personal stories of synchronicity and real magic stretching as far back as 1996 and as recently as the night that this podcast was recorded! He also introduces his co-host Dalien for the first time.
In the premiere Positive Head Podcast, meet the host Brandon Beachum as he shares the intimate details of his own personal life story, his views on the ultimate nature of reality, as well as the intentions behind launching Positive Head.